Dave Chesson is well known in the idie author space. He is constantly creating new, more powerful tools to help authors on their publishing journey. In today's interview, he talks to me about:

1) his site, Kindlepreneur
2) what he has planned for his wildly successful software, Publisher Rocket
3) the past, present and future of his soon to be all-in-one tool, Atticus.
4) And much more!
So give today's interview a watch to find out ways that these powerful tools can help you on your way to fiction author success!
Connect with Dave here:
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
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For Authors:
Get my Crafting Fiction 101 course, which gives you all the basic elements of great stories you'll need to write compelling fiction: https://bit.ly/CraftingFiction
Author Email Nurture Sequences That Sell Course: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/offers/awxzZzbn
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
(Where possible, I use affiliate links.)
Check out Convertkit, the Number One Email Autoresponder for Authors: https://bit.ly/TPAEmail