Most authors believe that if you write a book in 90 days or less, it automatically means you sacrifice quality and substance.
But is that really true?

What if I told you there's a whole community of people out there who regularly write books in 90 days or less, which means they easily and consistently write 4 books a year?
If you want to meet one of them, give today's episode a listen. Tunji Olujimi is an author himself and a writing coach. His students regularly get their books done in 90 days. Come learn the secrets for how they do it!
For his coaching services, visit his website, https://acceleratedauthorsacademy.com/.
If you found value in today's story, do me a favor and drop me a review on iTunes. It would help me out a ton! I so appreciate all of your support!
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Author Freebies:
9 Essential Plot Points PDF: https://bit.ly/9plotpoints
Ultimate Villainy Checklist PDF: https://bit.ly/villainchecklist